After some of our last few Ted Talks, we had some great discussions and responses. Some UW Chapter members sent in their reactions and thoughts and we wanted to share them with you.
"After watching this TedTalk, I found it unbelievable how one in two children suffer from assault. I think that every country should join the commitment to end all violence against children by 2030. I agree with Howard Taylor in that it takes the entire country to commit to this goal and everyone must work together for it to be accomplished. I think that the INSPIRE framework is a great idea. Hopefully, as more awareness is spread about child abuse and the horrifying statics mentioned in this TedTalk, more countries will realize the success of the INSPIRE framework and chose to adopt it. I found the end of the TedTalk especially inspiring when Taylor mentioned that as adults, it is our responsibility to work together and end violence against children." - Kylie
We also heard from Jade, who had this to share:
"I didn’t realize that violence against children was still so prevalent, especially in the time of the MeToo movement and people becoming empowered to speak out against serious, unforgivable issues like this. I think part of the reason that I and other people are not aware of the amount of children who are experiencing violence today is because it is an uncomfortable topic to speak about, but we need to speak about it in order to bring awareness to it, so it’s important that experts like Howard Taylor educate people about what is happening. I’m glad that countries like Uganda and Sweden are enacting change to prevent violence against children in multiple forms, and I hope that more countries including the United States follow their lead. I think it can be daunting to look at such a widespread problem, especially one that may be done in secret like violence, and attempt to combat it, but the INSPIRE strategy that Taylor discussed seems like it has been effective in the countries it has been implemented in, so that is definitely a good place to start." - Jade
To watch this Ted Talk yourself, visit
We have the power to be better advocates and the first step in doing this is constantly educating ourselves. We hope to hear your responses to our future Ted Talk Discussion Events!